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- Letterheads
Full-colour stationery is used for both internal and external correspondence.
Black and white copies of full-colour stationery may not be used. A black logo version does exist at Printing Services. Copy may be send to them for layout and reproduction.
Colour stationery is printed on large scale by Printing Services and kept by Procurement Services. All colour stationary need to be ordered from the Stores and may not be reproduced on colour printers.
The letterhead utilises the logo with the logotype on the right of the logo in the left-hand top corner. The positioning line appears in the bottom left corner in red. The address of the particular campus of the Tshwane University of Technology is printed at the bottom of the document – justified to the left. Faculty/department identification is done below and above the line at the top of the letterhead. The faculty name will always appear above the line while the department name appears below the line. If, however, only one descriptor is used it must appear above the line. Only English descriptors are used.
The red dots appearing on the regular letterhead will be perforated for post level 1-4 letterheads.
Continuation page: The regular continuation page will be on plain white. Perforated dots will appear on the continuation pages for post levels 1-4.
Headings, address particulars and body text: Arial 9-10pts
Descriptor above the line – Arial 12 bold
Descriptor belown the line – Arial 11
Regular: Bond 80g
Post levels 1-4: Sovereign Select Pristine White Linen 100g
Cover page
Follow page (only post levels 1-4)
Additional logos may be placed at the bottom right hand corner of the letterhead and must be one-third the size of the Tshwane University of Technology logo. The Chief Director Corporate Relations must approve the use of such logos. The application of such logos does not alter any of the rules regarding the use of letterheads as set out in this manual.
- Business cards
Business cards are printed only in English. Additional information regarding the faculty or department may be printed on the reverse side of the card after approval by the Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing.
The business card utilises the logo with the logotype on the right of the logo with the positioning line in red in the left-hand top corner.
The web address of the Tshwane University of Technology must appear on the business card.
Red dots appear on the top right hand corner of the regular business card. The red dots are perforated for the business cards of post levels 1-4.
The size of all business cards are 90mm x 50mm.
Regular: Hi Q Art 300g gloss
Post levels 1-4: Linen 240g
Additional logos may be placed at the bottom right hand corner of the business card and must be one-third the size of the Tshwane University of Technology logo. The Director Corporate Affairs and Marketing must approve the use of such logos. The application of such logos does not alter any of the rules regarding business cards as set out in this manual.
- Complimentary slips
The name of the faculty or department appears on the complimentary slip as well as the words "with compliments". The address of the particular campus of the Tshwane University of Technology appears on the bottom of the slip in English.
The logo (with wording on the right) appears at the top left-hand corner together with the positioning line in red.
Printing Services will print complimentary slips on request.
All printing and body text in Arial.
The size of the complimentary slip is 210mm x 99mm.
Bond 80g
Additional logos may be placed at the top right hand corner of the complimentary slip and must be one-third the size of the Tshwane University of Technology logo.
- Envelopes
Envelopes will be available in full colour or monochrome red on white envelopes. Brown envelopes will have black monochrome logos.
All logos appear at the top left-hand corner of the envelope. The envelopes utilises the logo with the logotype on the right of the logo together with the positioning line.
All envelopes will have the address of the Tshwane University of Technology printed on the flap at the back of the envelope. All white envelopes will have red flaps.
The following variations will be provided:
- B4 (A4)
- C5 (A5)
- C6
- DL (colour)
- DL (red and full colour)
- DL (with window)
- Note pads
A note pad was created and will be printed on request by Printing Services and will be available in A4, A5 and A4 size.
The note pad utilises the logo with the logotype on the right of the logo with the positioning line in red in the left-hand top corner. Both colour and grey scale versions are available and may be customised at the bottom for a particular Directorate/ Faculty or Department.
Additional logos may be placed at the bottom right hand corner of the note pad and must be one-third the size of the Tshwane University of Technology logo. The Director Corporate Affairs and Marketing must approve the use of such logos.
Home | Introduction | General guidelines | Logo | Sub-Identities | Application of the logo |