Home | Introduction | General guidelines | Logo | Sub-Identities | Application of the logo |
- Use of the logo
- The correct logotype
- Holy space
- The correct positioning line type
- Colour specifications
- Incorrect use of the logo
Description and philosophical foundation of the logo
The logo can be used in either landscape or portrait format and is available in colour, solid black and grey scale.
The new identity for Tshwane University of Technology is intended to communicate a number of crucial factors. In the first instance it symbolises the advancement of knowledge and skills in a higher education context. Secondly the diversity of the institution’s stakeholder population (staff, students and other roleplayers), coming together to form a whole, and the institution’s holistic approach to its various tasks, is symbolised. Finally it captures the location and cultural heritage of the University, whilst having a broad appeal to both local and international markets.
Whilst the intention is not to create a purely literal graphic, what can be seen in the device is the image of a person – perhaps a student, in graphic idiom, reading from a book.
The book is multi-layered and multi-facetted to indicate the depth of study inherent to the new institution and range of qualifications offered, as well as to symbolise the coming together of a diverse group of people to form TUT.
This is founded upon a red triptych, depicting the three institutions from which the Tshwane University of Technology originates, forming the knowledge base of the institution. It is also symbolic of the institution’s core challenges to educate, do research and development, and serve the community.
The blue ribbon encircling the bottom half of the logo symbolises the institution providing a nourishing environment for students to grow – hence the student moving up and out of the circle to become a well-rounded member of society. It also reflects on the institution as a source of knowledge and skills to its stakeholder communities. It provides a border around the logo in line with the institution’s obligation to shield its students and prepare them for entry to the world of work.
The use of rich colours (red, blue and gold) and a variety of shapes in the design depicts the multicultural aspect of our community and the university itself. The focus is on the individual, in line with the institution’s motto, “We empower people”.
Home | Introduction | General guidelines | Logo | Sub-Identities | Application of the logo |